LRC Officers
President - Carmen Yung
An award-winning and inspiring leader with over 20 years of strategic marketing experience at Fortune 500 companies, Carmen is passionate about advocating for STEAM, innovation education, and technology learning. Carmen was recognized with a 2022 Most Inspiring Woman Award by the Livingston Diversity Committee for her support of underrepresented communities in youth STEAM programs. Carmen coached all-girls and all-boys robotics teams from 2014 through to 2024 into awards at FLL World Festival, FLL North American Open Championship, VEX IQ CREATE US Open Championship, Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams, 3rd place Open Division @ CREATE US Open Championship, overall winner at 2 North NJ FLL Challenge Championships, and 1 VEX IQ NJ State Championship. Carmen is one of three co-founders and trustees of the American Robotics Open Championship Corp, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to offering post-season competition opportunities for FLL Challenge teams from around the country.
Secretary and Treasurer - William Lam
“Love What you Do, Do what you Love, Make the World a Better Place” has been Bill's motto through 15 years of volunteering in competitive robotics all the while being a kid at heart. As coach of Exit 5, 5A, 6, 65A robotics, he guided 49 teams and 75+ students through 155 competitions, 80+ awards (8 international, 9 national, 20 state) in FLL, FTC, VRC, VEX AI, VIQ, RCJ, WRO, CREATE Open, CREATE Drone, Moonbots, eCybermission, and Lemelson-MIT. His teams have globetrotted the world through Costa-Rica, Qatar, Beijing, USA: NY FL WV NC IL IA CA NJ PA MD TX, for 22 international finals appearances. In 2018 and 2019 he started the "Girls In Robotics" showcase at Liberty Science Center for over 60 all-girls robotics teams/organizations. Seeing a need for additional post-season robotics competitions, Bill co-founded 501(c)(3) American Robotics Open Championship Corp. in 2022 serving as platform for annual American Robotics Invitational FLL Challenge Invitational hosting 50+ teams annually from around the US. Bill has been recognized for his volunteer service through the 2021 Lemelson-MIT Excite Award, 2021 NJ NCWIT Educator Award, 2019 Coach / Mentor Award @ Detroit World Festival, 2019 NJ NCWIT Educator Award, Honorable Mention. Bill is a devoted husband and father of three, works as a semiconductor sales executive, and spends an excessive amount of time mountain biking, pickleball, and organizing touch football games.
Pearl Hwang - Co-Founder LRC, Coach Landroids and Landrias 2005-2016: FTC World Champions, Moonbots Champions, FLL US Open Champions
John Yeh - Co-Founder LRC, Coach Landroids and Landrias 2005-2016, FTC World Champions, Moonbots Champions, FLL US Open Champions
Alan Karpas - Livingston Healthy Community Healthy Youth HCHY
Walter LeVine - Legal counsel
Holly Lam - Coach Exit 5 Robotics
William Lam